
Selectmen get report from fire chief

LYNDEBOROUGH – Fire Chief Brian Smith, at a request from the Board of Selectmen, has prepared what he called “a response to the Emergency Services Building Committee report that was in the Town Report,” and presented the board with “an 11 page document.” He did not read from it at the board’s regular meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 26, nor did the selectmen, who accepted it to read and review.

The committee report listed various options for the future but did not make a recommendation. One of those options was for a sub-station in Lyndeborough Center.

Smith said he had discussed the report with his crew, and they do not necessarily agree with it.

Asked if he “had looked into the future,” Smith said he had, “addressing some concerns, the direction we’d like to go.”

Smith asked if there had been an evaluation of the present station to see if it could be enlarged. Selectman Mark Chamberlain said “an engineer friend had evaluated it” and determined that a second floor could not be added that would meet building code. There are alternatives, he said, that could be looked at.

Smith’s report will be released after review by the board.

In other business, the board said an inter-municipal ambulance agreement had been reached with Wilton and Temple and will be signed in October.

An agreement has been reached with Wilton officials to share the building inspector if needed. The agreement allows the inspector to operate in the neighboring town when the inspector is not readily available in order to eliminate delays.

The board accepted a donation of $150 from Piscataquog Land Conservancy, a thank you gift for allowing use of the Town Hall area during the annual Rose Mountain Rumble. Chairman Fred Douglas suggested the gift could be used to replace the flagpole support chains which are rusting.

Acting Road Agent Mark Chase had informed the board that the town’s 1985 Massey-Ferguson tractor “was in tough shape,” not operational, and probably not worth the cost of repair. The board decided to sell it at auction since it is not needed.

The board received a new historic marker for the Woodward Monument on Center Road from the Heritage Commission. It will be installed as soon as possible.
