
Scouts host information night

All Bedford Boys entering grades K-5 are eligible to join Cub Scouting. Bedford’s Pack 114 will hold an information night on Wednesday, Aug. 31 at 6:30 p.m. at the McKelvie School cafeteria to introduce Scouts and their parents to Cub Scouting and answer questions.

Bedford Pack 114 is known as the "Action Pack" and leads a very active scouting program meeting 2-3 times per month at the Den or Pack level. Pack activities include rocket launches, snow tubing, geocache scavenger hunt, Pinewood Derby, community services, a Museum of Science sleepover and more.

If you can not make it Aug. 31, or for more information, contact timothy_mcdonough@yahoo.com or caplante13@aol.com.

Submitted by Bedford Pack 114