

Milford’s Courage won’t be forgotten

Cabinet News

MILFORD – Lifelong Milford resident Robert E. “Bob” Courage and wife of a half-century Sandra were humble in demeanor but ebullient in their greetings to friends, family and community leaders celebrating with them the designation by state and local officials of April 21 as “Bob Courage ...

Wilton catch basins to be cleared

Cabinet News

WILTON – The town has approximately 250 catch basins outside of the downtown MS4 (the state Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) District that have not been cleared and repaired on a regular basis. The 115 within the district are on a schedule. The acting DPW director said they had ...

Road plan nearing completion

Cabinet News

LYNDEBOROUGH – An engineering plan for the rebuilding of Glass Factory Road, under discussion for several years, is nearing completion. Kevin Leonard of North Point Engineering of Concord, met with the Board of Selectmen on Wednesday, April 17, to discuss recent surveys done on the ...

Construction of new Mont Vernon Library to begin soon

Cabinet News

The Mont Vernon Library Charitable Foundation recently announced that after several years of hard work, planning and fundraising, the town voted Yes at Town Meeting to accept $4M in donations and pledges as well as approve a $1.99M bond. This allows construction to begin on the new Daland ...

Fire Department stairs to be replaced

Cabinet News

LYNDEBOROUGH – The stairs at the Fire Department’s emergency exit from the second floor are in need of replacement, but finding someone to do the work has been a problem. Fire Chief Brian Smith told the Board of Selectmen on Wednesday, Feb. 21, that he had spoken with several area ...

Colonial Garden Club sets meeting schedule

Cabinet News

The Colonial Garden Club will meet Tuesday, March 5, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Lawrence Barn, 28 Depot Rd. in Hollis. A social gathering commences at 9 a.m., followed by a business meeting at 9:30. At 10 there will be a presentation by Kim Kneeland, Farm Manager, Fat Moon Farms on the ...