
New fix for Amherst road

> AMHERST – On Mon­day night, Town Admin­istrator Jim O’Mara told selectmen and Mer­rimack Road resident Kevin Dadoly that he and Department of Pub­lic Works Director Bruce Berry have come up with another plan to fix the road’s sight lines.

Dadoly and his neigh­bors went to the board’s last meeting in July say­ing they were unhappy about the town’s decision to drop plans to bring up the level of the road near their houses to correct what they describe as a serious safety problem.

Vehicles have gone off the road and the sight lines don’t allow the res­idents to exit their drive­ways safely.

O’Mara said they would leave the road’s base alone and deal with the area in front of the neighbors’ properties, a solution he called "a solid middle ground that creates a win-win."

Selectmen said the project should be done this season so the resi­dents don’t have to face another winter, when piled snow makes the sight lines worse.