
Selectmen looking at used fire trucks to fill gap while repairs are done

LYNDEBOROUGH – Fire Chief Brian Smith told the Selectmen on Wednesday, Oct. 19, it will take “three to four months to get parts” for the failed pump on Engine 5. The repair will cost at least $18,000.

Devin McEntee has been researching used trucks which could be used as a temporary stop-gap until a new truck is purchased in a couple years.

Selectman Bob Howe said he was “concerned about the department being one unit short.”

A good used truck could be used as a trade-in when the new one is purchased.

McEntee said the most promising used vehicle he has found is in upstate New York which can be had for $28,000. He said he could “drive out and look at it.”

The board agreed it was “a good idea to get a working piece of apparatus in service..”

Town Administrator Russ Boland will check with the town attorney and the state Department of Revenue Administration about funding.

In other business, Boland said repairs to the east wall of the salt shed will be completed in two weeks.

Two Highway Department heaters failed inspection and need to be replaced. Road Agent Rick McQuade will be authorized to pursue the subject.

Selectman Mark Chamberlain said the Planning Board is working on policies for private and Class 6 roads.

He also said he has contacted the Department of Environmental Services concerning an operation on Dutton Road. “They appear to have “exceeded the agricultural exceptions they are working under.”

Trick-or-Treat hours were set for Monday, oct. 31, 6 to 8 p.m.

The next regular meeting of the board will be Wednesday, Nov. 2, 6 p.m;, in the town office.
