
Warrant articles approved

LYNDEBOROUGH -At their regular meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 28, The Board of Selectmen approved the articles to be included on the Town Meeting warrant in March, and decided how to fund them.

After discussion concerning the use of the unexpended fund balance to cover contribution of capital reserve funds, as was done last year, the board decided to fund part of them in order to not set a precedent and to maintain a balance for emergencies.

All of the Highway Department capital reserve funds, $103,500, will come from the fund balance.

The other items, totaling $93,250, will be raised through general taxation. These include the Fire Department vehicles, police cruiser, repairs to the Center Hall, and an architectural engineering study of the two stone arch bridges on Old Temple Road.

The bridge study, at an estimated cost of $6,000, is required if the Heritage Commission is to apply for preservation grants in the future, should the study determine work is needed. The bridges were constructed in 1873.

The warrant also includes a request to approve Keno game sales at the Village Store, plus the renaming of two capital reserve funds for the Highway Department.

The warrant now goes to the Budget Committee for their approval. The public budget hearing is set for Jan. 30.

The Selectmen encumbered $102,425 of this year’s budget to cover contracts or uncompleted projects. These include the police cruiser, heat at the town garage, security cameras, Center Road work, engineering for Glass Factory Road, alarm systems, and upgraded software.

The engineering study for the next year’s phase of reconstruction of Center Road was tabled until Jan. 25 for further study.

Wilton has requested Lyndeborough share the cost of new radio communications equipment. The request was tabled until the next meeting.

The next meeting of the board was set for Wednesday, Jan. 11, 6 p.m., in the town office.