Milford’s Courage won’t be forgotten

Gathering for the launch of “Bob Courage Day” by local and state officials are honor designee Bob Courage, center, and some of his high school friends, most from Milford High School’s Class of 1949, former students, from left, Richard Tortorelli, Kathryn Heald, Joan Tierney and Rollie Hardwick.
MILFORD – Lifelong Milford resident Robert E. “Bob” Courage and wife of a half-century Sandra were humble in demeanor but ebullient in their greetings to friends, family and community leaders celebrating with them the designation by state and local officials of April 21 as “Bob Courage Day” in New Hampshire and in the Town of Milford – a recognition of Bob’s 70-plus years of town service.
“When I was hired at age 26 in 1957, I was paid $90 a week and they told me that, if I did a good job, I could earn $95 a week next year,” mused Bob, now age 92, from the podium. “I sincerely appreciate all the effort that went into today.”
Event emcee Jay Duffy, a homegrown go-getter behind many town activities, introduced officials bearing proclamations marking the day of recognition. Bagpiper David Myer of the New Hampshire Police Association Pipe and Drums preceded the spotlighted couple into the event venue, the Milford Public Works headquarters on South Street.
The citations itemized some of Bob’s contributions. He earned through innovation and
perseverance the superintendent post and then a directorship of 38 years at the DPW before moving on to other town activities in 1998.
Current DPW Director Leo Lessard hobnobbed with the crowd and commended the honoree. The event was documented for broadcast by a WMUR TV videographer. Elsewhere, Milford Director of Community Media Chris Gentry and son Cameron, age 11, captured their own video of the gathering. Nearby, local Michael Facques took cellphone stills and comprehensive notes for posting to Milford Residents Facebook Page.
A variety of freshly baked cookies and pastries from volunteers, fresh flowers from Woodman’s Florist and hot Dunkin’ coffee added pizzazz to the afternoon.
Sandra Courage was well embraced by the revelers and was quick to acknowledge her husband’s fine heritage of service to the town and his family and his community.
Bob later added, “The day was emotional, to say the least, to see all the people and the gratitude that was shown here today.”
Information on the Town of Milford and its services, attractions and events can be found online: