
Cold weather tips for senior citizens

On behalf of the Merrimack Police Department, we hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and wish all of you happiness and good health in 2012.

When temperatures drop, it is risky for everyone, but for the elderly, it can be fatal. Seniors are particularly susceptible to complications from winter weather, falls, influenza and hypothermia.

The Merrimack Police Department would like to provide the following tips and advice for the seniors in our community as to how they can protect themselves against the dangers of winter.

? When going outside, make sure you wear a warm coat, mittens and a hat. Mittens are warmer than gloves as your fingers touching will help to generate some heat. A hat is also very important as 30 percent to 50 percent of heat loss occurs through the head.

? Make sure that sidewalks and driveways are clear and sanded or salted to minimize the risk of slips and falls.

? Keep your house or apartment temperatures set at 70 degrees or warmer.

? Make sure you have plenty of blankets to keep warm while you sleep.

Another noteworthy tip is the importance of eating nutritious foods, as this will provide energy for your body and help to keep you warm.

Also very important during cold, dry weather is making sure you get enough fluids, at least six to eight glasses of liquid daily to avoid becoming dehydrated. Drinking the recommended amount of fluids daily can also help to prevent dry-skin problems.

Be aware of the medications that you are taking, as certain medications can cause dizziness or affect the blood vessels’ ability to respond to temperature changes.

Seniors also need to be aware of hypothermia. This is a condition of below-normal body temperatures and can occur when the body’s temperature is at or below 96 degrees. Persons who are older than 75 years are five times more likely to die from hypothermia than those younger than 75.

Winters here in New England can bring challenges, but the Merrimack Police Department hopes that the tips above can help alleviate some of the problems that come with the cold weather and we wish all of the seniors in Merrimack a warm and cozy winter.