
Merrimack High School senior attending Boys Nation

Zev Sernik, an incoming senior at Merrimack High School, was selected as a senator for American Legion Boys Nation in the Washington, D.C. area, from July 22-30.

Boys Nation is an annual American Legion program that includes civic training, leadership development and a focus on Americanism. Sernik attended New Hampshire Boys State. He won the election for treasurer of his town, and went on to be elected as Speaker of the House.

Sernik was joined by Jack Flanagan, of Bedford High School, in representing New Hampshire at Boys Nation.

At Merrimack, Sernik has served as the treasurer of the Young Politicians of America Club, which he helped found, and treasurer of the Science Olympiad team and the National Honor Society. He is captain of the Math and Quiz Bowl teams.

In the upcoming year, Sernik will serve as the School Board representative for Merrimack High, acting as a liaison for students and working with the elected officials in town to help resolve issues plaguing the school system.

He is very involved in his youth group, the United Synagogue Youth, and is regional president for New England. Sernik volunteers frequently at his synagogue, where he helps teach Judaic prayers and Hebrew to young children.

Sernic plans to study finance and economics in college.