
Merrimack resident now delivering Sunday Select to city homes

MERRIMACK – Starting today, residents of Merrimack will be receiving the Merrimack Sunday Select, delivered to their homes.

City resident Eric Willis has the task of ensuring delivery to some 10,500 homes.

“I will be going to every house on every street in town,” he said. “It’s going to be a massive project each week.”

Willis has experiences, having delivered newspapers in the past.

“It’s been a few years,” he said. “But I have spent many years on a delivery route.”

He said he’s unsure about how long exactly it will take to reach all homes.

“We get the papers on Thursday, and while I’m not totally sure, between my wife and I, I’m guessing it will probably take 20 hours to get them all delivered. She has Fridays off, she’ll be able to get a lot of it done.”

Willis said it will “take a couple of nights, and into the overnight hours to get it all done.”

He added that he believes the delivery of the Merrimack Sunday Select is something that the town is very happy about.

“Merrimack is one of those towns, that has strong feelings about a lot of things,” he said. “So, I think a newspaper that’s just about the town is something they want to read.”

Willis himself avidly reads the newspaper each week, and said he found the ad for a delivery driver online.

“I saw an ad on Facebook of all places” he said. “And I answered the ad and that was it.”

He called getting the delivery position, “a great opportunity.”

For questions about the delivery of the Merimmack Sunday Select edition, call customer service at 603-594-1200.