
Bedford Letters

Health care plan not better option

Marie Antoinette of France, who reigned as princess during the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789, defended the privileges of the aristocracy. Her attitude is memorialized in her response to hearing the cries of the starving peasants who couldn’t afford even bread was: “Let them eat ...

Tribute to our neighbor George

How does one pay tribute to a man who had such an impact on my life in such a short period of time? How does one take what he has learned from another individual and carry it forward to the next generation? Those are some of the questions I have been wrestling with over the recent weeks. This ...

In support of Catherine Rombeau

To the Editor, I am writing to your readers to support Catherine Rombeau’s candidacy for Bedford Town Council. Catherine will work to protect residential neighborhoods with a comprehensive approach – for example, examining appropriate areas of town for cell phone towers to avoid telecoms ...

Candidate will help move us forward

[of Bedford]I am writing in support of Catherine Rombeau’s run for Bedford Town Council. Catherine is a levelheaded, forward thinking candidate who believes in supporting the “responsible growth while protecting our small town community.” I can think of no better person to represent our ...

Bridges vs. walls 
a good metaphor

“Rising walls, falling bridges” is how one commentator compares the current climate news in California with Trump’s misbegotten wall talk. But think about it. Faulty dams and bridges, underwater roads, mudslides and large numbers of people having to exit their homes all due to the weather ...

Support Rombeau for Town Council

I encourage all Bedford residents to vote on March 14 and support Catherine Rombeau for Town Council. I can not think of a more intelligent, competent person to help guide our town in this tentative time. If you are concerned about the future of our town, and agree that we need someone to help ...