
Caution while hiking is imperative

Many people who live in New Hampshire and many people who visit the Granite State love to hike. We have plenty of great places to wander the woods and hills and mountains and it’s great to see people out there.

But we all need to remember this: When you go, make sure you have everything you need, because you can’t be certain what might happen. What you figure is a three-hour hike could turn into an overnight huddle under a tree in the cold.

And there you are with no food, no phone, no coat, no hiking gear and, perhaps worse, no hiking buddy.

Something like that happened to a Nashua man who went out by himself at Purgatory Falls when he injured himself. He was unable to walk out of the woods and ended up spending the night. He was not prepared for that, but was lucky it didn’t rain and it wasn’t cold. He was found the next morning and came out of his “adventure” OK.

But things certainly could have been worse.

When you go, bring everything you might need for an overnight stay. Perhaps not a sleeping bag, that might be a bit much, but at least your phone, a flashlight, some warm clothing and some food.

Be ready. Be safe.