
Library event is worth attending

Local libraries have a lot going on, even in the summer.

One event we recommend is the Eat Well, Live Well, Play Well discussion on July 31 at the Amherst Town Library.

It will be hosted by nutritionist Gail Parker who, wants to show how to make better choices about fitness and nutrition in order to encourage better health.

And who among us couldn’t use some help figuring out how to make better choices?

What we really like about the promotion for this event is the library saying, in our calendar last week, that the program includes techniques that “will help to take the frustration and fear” out of cooking.

As too many of us know, we have less fear of eating than we do of cooking, so any program that can help us there is one we should seriously think of attending.

Home cooked food is almost always far healthy than take-out and restaurant meals, with less fat, salt and sugar. But cooking is a skill many of us never developed and this program is designed to help with that. It’s scheduled for Wednesday, July 31 and runs from 7-8:30 p.m. It’s free and open to everyone. The Amherst library requires registration by going to library@amherst.lib.nh.us, or amherstlibrary.org.