

Submit a news item, letter or press release

To submit a news item, letter to the editor or press release for publication in The Cabinet, Bedford Journal, Hollis Brookline Journal, or the Merrimack Journal please email cabnews@cabinet.com.




Important: Submissions must contain the writer’s name, home address and day/night telephone numbers and e-mail for confirmation purposes. Only the writer’s name and hometown will be published.


The Cabinet Press wants your articles, stories, briefs, and event listings.

Please email cabnews@cabinet.com and your submission will be sent to a Cabinet Press editor for approval.

Submitted articles will not be edited for Cabinet.com publication. Your item will be approved and posted to the site within two business days – and will be reviewed for possible inclusion in the print version of The Cabinet or Journals.


The Cabinet welcomes letters from its readers that are exclusive to this newspaper. Letters must be 400 words or fewer and are subject to editing either for content or for length.

The Cabinet does not publish anonymous letters, those written under an assumed name or containing only the writer’s initials. Nor does it publish form letters, or those written as part of an orchestrated campaign.

Letters must be in good taste and free of libel or personal attacks.


By submitting your photo you acknowledge that this photo may be used by Cabinet.com or affiliated sites. We will not make your personal information public or sell your information to any other parties.