
Free film at Wilton theater

You are invited to a free film at Wilton Town Hall Theatre. It will be shown at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 19.

The film is called “I Am,” and is directed by Tom Shadyac. Before making the film, Shadyac was living what many people would consider an enviable life, and he was wondering why he wasn’t happy. After sustaining a life-threatening injury and going through a long and difficult recuperation, he decided to take a camera and film crew and travel around the world interviewing scientists and scholars to ask two questions: What’s wrong with our world? and What can we do about it? By the end of the filming, Shadyac and his crew found that they had seen a lot of what’s right with the world.

Please join us for an upbeat, inspiring film. There is no charge for admission. Donations will be gratefully accepted and will be given to Wilton Town Hall Theatre. The film is being sponsored by three organizations: Granite State Guardians, NH Green Coalition, and Women Making a Difference.

– Submitted by Jo Deckert