
Attention: Hollis Heritage Commission needs your talent

HOLLIS – The 2018 calendar theme is “Scenic Hollis” and we are seeking your favorite scene to help us make next year’s calendar. We all know there are beautiful photo-ops throughout Hollis and many photographers to share them. The calendar will have a monthly appropriate photo chosen from your submissions. Look through your digital archives or grab the camera and find your favorite scene in our town.

Submissions must follow these guidelines:

• The scene must be in Hollis and identified by location upon submission.

• The photographer may be professional or amateur.

• Images may be black and white but color is preferred.

• Image size must be capable of being rendered to 9-by-12 landscape mode at 300dpi.

• Image file formats can be .jpg or .png (no .pdf files)

• Image filenames must be labeled with your lastFirst name (DoeJohn.jpg). If submitting more than one, add a number to the filename (DoeJohn2.jpg)

• The image can have no watermarks, borders, or collage composition.

• The image can have no individuals; nature, buildings and animals are all very scenic

• The scenic image must be an accurate reflection of the subject matter and scene as it appeared, without alteration (other than standard optimization, including removal of dust, cropping, adjustments to color and contrast, etc.)

• The maximum number of submissions per person is three. A separate submission form should accompany each image file.

By signing the submission form, you give the Heritage Commission the right to print the image on the calendar and secure all profits from sale of the calendars.

By entering, you retain copyright and remain the owner of your images and may also continue to use them in any manner you choose. You agree that the images you submit may be used in the 2018 calendar.

The annual calendar project is the sole fundraising activity by the Heritage Commission for the purpose of re-erecting the Cooper Shop. The calendar is a community project to benefit the heritage of our town. We look forward to receiving your photos.

Photos are emailed to: HollisNH.Heritage@gmail.com

Submission forms will be sent once the images have been selected for the calendar.

All images must be received by June 30.

– Submitted by Hollis Heritage Commission