
Hollis Brookline COOP Annual Meeting Postponed Again

We share the desire to keep all of us safe from the COVID-19 virus and, at the same time, we need to allow the voters to conduct the COOP annual meeting. To contain this virus, it is critical to follow the directions and guidelines of the Governor’s emergency orders and of local officials. Until the orders are lifted, social distancing and limiting in-person group meetings are the best ways to do that.

The Annual Meeting of the Hollis Brookline Cooperative School District is now postponed until early June due to the continuing effects of the COVID-19 virus. On Thursday, June 4th, the COOP Annual Meeting will start with a Zoom meeting at 6:30 P.M. to address the meeting rules and voting procedures. The Annual Meeting will conclude with a drive-through voting session on Saturday, June 6th between 10:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. at the Hollis Brookline High School.

A Zoom meeting followed by a drive-through vote follows the spirit and the letter of the Governor’s emergency orders. I have consulted with school and town officials from both towns as well as District Counsel on this plan.

For information on the COOP Annual Meeting, visit the SAU website, sau41.org. On that site, you can find a copy of the Warrant Articles, the proposed operating budget, and the video of the Public Hearing on the Warrant from February 5th, 2020. You can find a copy of the COOP Annual Report in your town’s 2019 Annual Report, available on your town’s website.

More information on the meetings, the rules, logistics, and instructions about traffic flow will be available over the next several days.

Drew Mason, Moderator

Hollis Brookline Cooperative School District