
mpowering our Pollinators – Working Together for the Greater Good

Thu, April 21, 2022 from 6:30 – 8pm

Offered by the Brookline Public Library

Join us as we welcome Dean and Jodi Turner of Imagine That Honey of Swansey, NH to discuss ways to encourage pollinators to visit our greenways. These beauties are more than just honeybees. There are butterflies, birds, and so many other creatures helping us grow fruits and vegetables and allowing us to observe the magnitude of their hard work. Let’s talk about what can we do to help and empower this vital network. We can help add nutrients to the soil, offer attractive housing, and hopefully make good choices when planning our gardens and landscapes.

Perhaps Mason Bees are your link to the pollinator world. We’ll show you inexpensive ways to get started and discuss how native pollinators are all around us. Let’s keep them here by reducing pesticide use and using alternative more environmentally friendly practices.

This program will be on Zoom.

Register at https://brooklinelibrarynh.org