
Cabinet Letters

It’s not pro life

Lindsey Graham, 67 year old, never-married, no children, male; obviously the ideal person to decide that women should be forced to give birth. Graham’s proposed law would ban, nationally, all abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, except to protect the life of the mother (many Republican ...

Wednesday morning

Democracy is exhausting. So many rules and procedures for poll workers. So many Power Point slides and swearing of oaths on penalty of perjury. So much preparation, diligence, and care. At 14 hours, my day as a deputy registrar and ballot clerk was brief compared to those who stayed well into ...

A right, not a privilege

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The common belief today is that the Second Amendment was created to allow the American people the ability to hunt for food or defend their ...

Assess the facts

Ms. Di Lothrop is at it again (Sunday, July 24). Her guest column headline states: “Hutchinson Recollections and Accusations Were Solely Based on Office Gossip and Hearsay.” In this guest column, Ms. Lothrop slams a previous article (Paul Collins’ July 10 column): “Cassie ...

Roe v. Wade

Anyone who thinks the Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade decision won’t make much difference might consider the following comments by Jia Tolentino in a New Yorker Special Report dated June 24: “Anyone who can get pregnant must now face the reality that half the country is in the hands of ...


Gov. Chris Sununu’s adamant support of the fossil fuel industry may have cost the ratepayers of New Hampshire what could amount to economic ruin. Several years ago I intervened in a least cost law suit against Liberty Gas that has been drawn out and delayed by the Sununu appointed Public ...