
Cabinet Letters

Choose Ukraine

We are watching Ukraine be blown apart minute by minute as Putin’s army continues its immoral assault on an independent Nation. President Zelinsky has pleaded for a no-fly zone to stop the missiles and planes from continuing to bomb civilian targets in a reign of terror from above. NATO, ...

Bolduc: Character, courage, country

What makes Don Bolduc the best choice as our candidate for US Senate? If you are as old as I am, I’m sure you remember the Army slogan, “Be all you can be.” This is a slogan that characterizes Don Bolduc’s entire life. At 5’ 7’’ and not weighing near as much as his counterparts ...

A rational voice

My name is Tim Finan, and I am a candidate for the Milford Board of Selectmen. I am a 28 year resident of Milford and, along with my wife Jeryl (O’Neil), have raised our four children here in this wonderful community. I previously served two terms as a selectman (2007-2013), which I feel ...

This lease will save lives

Warrant article 24 is needed to amend a lease agreement from one year to 10 years, it’s real simple. The town can’t enter into a 10-year lease without voter approval. Having to renew the lease yearly will cost more money; a 10-year lease gives the town a good discount. The lease is to put ...

Re-elect Kellie-Sue Boissonnault

Kellie-Sue is a strong independent woman who is not afraid to bring forth concerns of the residents of Wilton. Kellie-Sue has listened to and brought forward the many concerns that the residents of Wilton have had. She has spent numerous hours researching and speaking with others to provide a ...

Warrant Article 24

On March 8, Milford voters will decide whether to pass Warrant Article 24 (WA24), asking to amend a new lease agreement to last for 10 years. This is just one piece of a communications project that has evolved without prior voter approval. The project continues to grow, with discussions about ...