
Stephen, Luther: Stop misleading

To the Editor:

As a concerned voter, I’m increasingly troubled by the statistics being thrown around about our state budget and spending. In particular, I’m frustrated by Republican state Senate candidate Jim Luther and his constant parroting of every fact and figure that John Stephen says. I’ve done my research, and the stats that Stephen and Luther keep repeating are misconstrued and out of context, apparently designed for the sole purpose of misleading voters.

I’m seeing a trend in politics this year. Some seem bent on inventing more ways to frighten voters at a time when we already have reasons to be scared. The economy is a problem. We all know that.

However, New Hampshire has taken the lead in the recovery effort.

Our struggles are not over, but we should be thankful that we are in a better place than almost every other state in the country. This is a time when we should be working together to solve New Hampshire’s problems, not taking advantage of voters’ fears for political gain.

This voter will not be supporting Stephen or Luther until I see them engaged in honest reporting of the facts.

