
Support Vaillancourt for Merrimack Town Council

To the Editor:

Please join me in supporting Jody Vaillancourt for Merrimack Town Council.

I have known Jody for 15 years as a volunteer in the School District, as a member of the School Board and as a contributing citizen of our town. I have seen firsthand Jody’s strong work ethic, her commitment to the town of Merrimack, and her endless dedication of time and energy to our community.

Town leaders should have all of the information they need to make confident and well-informed decisions. I have the utmost respect for Jody because she takes the time to thoroughly research issues, to gather information and all of the facts when she needs to make an important decision.

I trust Jody to do the right thing for our town.

Merrimack needs leadership committed to making the RIGHT decisions in the best interest of our community. I ask you to join me in voting for Jody Vaillancourt for Town Council on April 14.

Angela Kazazian