
2016 Rotary Christmas tree sales a success

The Merrimack Rotary Club would like to thank all who supported the annual Christmas Tree sales making this year a tremendous success. The club sold over 300 trees. We would like to thank the following sponsors and ask that if you need their services, please keep it local and seek them out.

"We could not have done this without the participation of all our customers. Thank you," said Troy Aarthun, club president.

Thanks to Silver Sponsors: Allyssa Bedard Licensed Massage Therapist, Balanced Wealth Advisors, Buckley Disposal Services LLC, Eaton and Berube Insurance, Elliott Orthodontics PLLC, Fidelity Investments, Holt’s Autosport, Interstate Batteries, Merrimack Dental Associates, Merrimack Office Properties, People’s United Bank, Sal’s Pizza, Southern NH Medical Center, Sweet Ginger, Tech Transport Inc., The Law Offices of Joseph E. Mitchell, ESQ.,P.C., Vault Motor Storage.

Thanks to Bronze Sponsors: Convenient MD, DW Highway Mobil Inc., KJB Ventures LLC, Liberty Mutual Andy Steeves, Maureen Mooney & Mark Derby, Merrimack Commons Laundromat, Mickey’s Magical Villa LLC., Papergraphics, Schaller Design and Construction, Wal-Mart Amherst.

With the above support the Merrimack Rotary Club made over $7,000 to be distributed to the community including food pantries, Meals on Wheels, Coats for Kids, scholarships and many other causes.

Founded in 1971, the Rotary Club of Merrimack is a volunteer organization of business people and professionals supporting the community. Merrimack Rotary projects have included the Roger Duhamel Pavilion at Watson Park, scholarships, reconstruction of Kids’ Kove Playground, support for Merrimack flood relief, the Merrimack July Fourth festivities, the Rotary 4-Way Speech Contest, Interact Club, lighting at Reeds Ferry fields and more. The club works with other clubs on international projects like eradication of polio, Pure Water for the World and hurricane relief in Honduras.

To RSVP for a breakfast meeting or for information about membership, contact Chris Christensen at 424-2542 or email Chris@ChristensenNH.com. You can also visit www.merrimackrotary.org.

Merrimack Rotary Club