
Pappas seeking re-election Nov. 8

To the Editor:

In this divisive election season, it’s easy to forget how much we can accomplish when we put our differences aside and work together. But that’s exactly what we must do once the dust settles from this election. There’s too much important work ahead of us to let politics get in the way of results.

It has been an honor representing the 19 communities of Executive Council District 4 for the past four years, and I ask for your support because I want to ensure New Hampshire stays on the right path for the future.

On the council, I have made customer service a top priority. I have met with boards of selectmen and town councils in every community, and I always do my best to help constituents and businesses when they need assistance.

As your councilor, I have supported a robust, bipartisan response to the opioid crisis that focuses on saving lives. I advocated for an expanded program of road paving and bridge repair. I have also fought to keep ideology out of decision making around health care, because I believe that patient care and public health should never be compromised by politics.

I am proud to have the support of Republicans, independents, and Democrats in this campaign. That’s important because if we are going to make New Hampshire an even better place to call home, we need to do it together.

On Nov. 8, I ask for your vote to keep serving you on the executive council.

Chris Pappas

Executive Councilor
