
Vote for real leadership

No matter what we look like or where we live, most of us work hard for our families. But the same corporations that hold down our wages are bragging to their Wall St. shareholders about raising prices for the products we buy.

Every time Democrats tackle price gouging, Trump Republicans try to block it, just as they tried to block the newly enacted Inflation Reduction Act. This act makes healthcare more affordable, lowers prescription drug prices, and ensures corporations pay what they owe in taxes. These Trump Republicans want to take away our freedoms, end Social Security and Medicare, outlaw abortion and block gun safety.

We deserve real leaders who side with working people over corporate donors, not Trump Republicans who will take us backwards and rule for the wealthy few. Now their ads are trying to scare us with false claims about where Democrats stand on crime. We see through these lies and will vote for Democrats to protect our freedoms.

Voters can move us forward to protect our families, freedoms and futures. Your vote to re-elect Senator Maggie Hassan, and Representatives Chris Pappas and Annie Kuster will protect our freedoms to earn a fair wage, to breathe clean air, to retire with dignity, to love who we love, to access health care, and to choose our own future.

On Nov. 8, vote for real leaders – Maggie Hassan, Chris Pappas, Annie Kuster and their fellow Democratic candidates up and down the ballot.