
Join the call for our planet’s future health at March for Science on April 22

To the Editor:

On Saturday, April 22, the March for Science will take place in Washington, D.C. and in 358 cities and towns across the United States, including Concord and Portsmouth, N.H.

Scientists, educators, inventors, health care providers, geeks, nerds, and all the other individuals who believe the future of our planet lies in science will be there. We are a diverse nonpartisan group calling for science to be used for the common good.

As a father, grandfather, physician and all around geek I am marching to preserve our planet, so my children and their children can have what I have had. I am marching to reinforce the need for sound, significant studies to be done to better understand our environment and climate change, to continue to further healthcare, and to create clean and affordable energy. I am marching to support educating our future scientists and leaders. I am marching because I believe we are above politics and power and we all want a better future, education, food, shelter, healthcare and safety for ourselves and our families.

Come and join me on Saturday, April 22, and march for the good of our planet. Find out info on the web and on Facebook. Thanks.

Wayne L. Goldner, MD
