
Boycott Burt’s Hot Dog Day

June 13 marks Goffstown Representative John Burt’s 8th annual Hot Dog Day at State House. Although this is a fundraiser for the Granite State Paw Rescuers which is certainly a worthy organization, I am asking that elected officials skip this event. Representative Burt has a history of making demeaning comments about women. As a survivor of violence, I am appalled by what he has posted on social media. After former State Senator Jeff Woodburn was arrested on domestic violence charges last year, Burt wrote “… With the nut cases out there and the domestic violence folks looking for alleged victims no man is safe.” NH already has some of the highest rates of sexual violence in the nation and having a State Representative undermine survivors is unacceptable.

Representative Burt’s comments play a role in why so many victims stay silent. His refusal to support or understand rape victims is further emphasized by a Bill Cosby rape joke that was posted on Burt’s timeline in 2015. It publicly remains on his Facebook profile to this day.

The list of Burt’s misogyny is extensive. He has posted public comments about a Congresswoman being “easy on the eyes” and refused to attend mandatory State House sexual harassment sessions. Also, he posted the following public comment on Facebook referencing a woman who chooses to walk alone: “I agree with NO is NO. But, you share in that crime just a little if you put yourself in that spot.”

How is this demeaning behavior acceptable of a Representative?

I’m asking that all elected officials stand up and boycott Burt’s Hot Dog Day. Instead of attending, I urge you to donate directly to Granite State Paw Rescuers as well as to a women’s organization of your choice.