
Founding Fathers didn’t want career politicians

To the Editor:

Our Founding Fathers recognized the importance of having citizen politicians.

Citizen politicians defined more than 238 years ago as people who participate in the political process, and these people come from all walks of life, such as farmers, businesses, law practices, inn keepers, chimney sweepers and schoolteachers.

These citizen politicians participation in the people’s government resulted in fresh new realist practical ideas from the communities they live in. These ideas coming from the community bringing reality and cultural inspiration based on real-world experiences. These citizen politicians representing the people’s government and after their politicking is done, they simply travel home to their private citizen lives once again.

What is deeply saddening is the evolutionary process of the professional politician, who’s only goal in life is to stay in that elected seat full-time and forever. Resulting in stagnant ideas, with no possible sense of connection to the real people that elected them. In addition, a lack of connection to any sense of reality at all, these professional politicians are more closely aligned to an elitist mindset nowhere grounded to the community they are supposed to represent.

Our Founding Fathers never intended to make citizens full-time politicians, or they would have written term limits into the Constitution for all elected officials from dogcatcher to the president, do you agree?


US. Navy veteran, author

Mont Vernon