
Havenstein’s plan simple, effective

To the Editor:

Recently we were greeted to the Democratic Committee’s response to Walt Havenstein’s plan to reignite The New Hampshire Advantage. As can be expected, the NHDC shouted the irrelevant, the incongruous.

Let’s compare Governor Hassan’s latest attempts at generating business to the Havenstein plan.

Governor Hassan, with an entourage of hangers-on in tow, went to Turkey at your expense, to cold call for business. The results? Nothing! If they had gotten orders, you would be hearing about it.

Walt Havenstein’s plan is as simple as it is effective. Since it is so simple, it is doable. Since it is the basics of marketing, it is proven to be effective. His plan? Get New Hampshire’s house in order to be attractive to business, then go to businesses in states around us, who vacation here, to tell them how we can help them to move easily to the environment they already love.

Simple and effective, that is the Havenstein plan.

Thank you for reading.

David McConville
