
Budget time

The Milford School administrators, school board members and teacher’s union are currently finalizing the school proposed budget for the 2018/2019 school year that will start next July 1.

As a Milford homeowner, I have concerns over the growth of the school tax rate, up around 26 percent over past 6 years, in the face of declining enrollments over the same period of 15 percent or more. Milford has among the highest tax rates in Hillsborough County, and the school budget has grown significantly faster than our sister townships. The new budget for 2018/2019 appears to add about 2 percent more to last year’s school tax rate. Final proposed budget will be out by Jan 2nd.

I feel that the Milford School budget is on an autopilot trajectory that will severely impact town residence if continued. A developer has indicated to me that they are not planning on additional single home development in Milford, due in part to the high taxes they are seeing.

The administration is currently working on a new three year teacher’s contract with the union representatives. It is important that concerned citizens have their voices heard. Go to the milfordk12.org school website for detail documentation, school board meeting times, and contact information for the school board and administration. Be heard.