

Your recent editorial “Hatred more common” failed to offer an answer to the question it raised: Why do more people today feel free to express their racial hatred? The answer is obvious, I believe, when one considers the continuous racist words and actions of the one person Americans are most likely to look to for moral leadership, namely, the president.

Let’s look at the record.

Peddled the birther concept that President Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

Said of Mexicans, “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some I assume are good people.”

Argued that Judge Gonzalo Curiel should recuse himself from a case because he is of Mexican descent.

Attacked Muslim Gold Star parents and called for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S.

Said that “many sides” were to blame for the violence at Charlottesville and there were “many fine people” among the white supremacists.

Currently claims that a dozen or two Americans died as the result of hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico when the number is closer to 3,000.

Is it any wonder that with Donald Trump as president race baiting has infected our culture to a greater degree in recent years? Bigotry was a key part of his campaign, and it has been a salient feature of his presidency.