

I would like to thank all my Amherst supporters and constituents for allowing me the experience and honor to serve you in our New Hampshire House for the past eight years.

I cannot fully express to you the gratitude I feel for your encouragement, support, and belief that together we could maintain the New Hampshire Advantage and secure for us and future generations the best place to live and the best state in which to live.

My sincere congratulations to our newly elected House members, Senator and Executive Councilor. I wish you well and encourage you to improve on the legacy left to us by each and every former member of the General Court and Governor’s Council from their very first assembly over two centuries ago. If I can be of any help to you please know I will be pleased to assist. Also I encourage our Amherst’s residents to engage with our state and local leaders at every opportunity to ensure your opinions, praise, criticism, protest, advice, and requests for information or services are heard. The interaction with all of you was the most rewarding part of the position and is the very foundation of our citizen legislature.

You might consider placing your own name on the ballot. New Hampshire affords all her residents the opportunity to serve at all levels of government. It is an experience you will not regret.

Again, thank you so very much.