
Voting records

Below are the voting records of the Amherst House members for June 5-6. It is a most likely except on a very few bills that every Democrat in NH voted almost identically.

Please note that your Amherst Republican members of the House, Reps. Panasiti and Sanborn voted NOT to pass on all the bills appearing below while your Democrat Reps. Murray and Radhakrishnan both voted in favor of all the bills.

SB 241 – For a huge capital expense to study the need for a commuter rail system for the elites of Southern NH cities requiring everyone in NH to pay the subsidy for Nashua, Manchester and Concord forever if developed.

SB 168 – For increasing electricity costs to NH residents by a minimum of 30 MILLION dollars and simultaneously telling existing and potential businesses that we don’t need your companies in NH or as a famous song lyric expresses “take your job(s) and shove it”.

SB 263 – For allowing the opposite genders in competitive sports and locker/shower rooms.

SB 2 – For raiding the unemployment trust fund used to pay the unfortunate folks left without jobs to establish the 37th job training program rather than fix those we currently support.

SB 290 – For REMOVING the work requirement for able-bodied, childless, adults to receive medicaid payments.

SB 10 – For killing entry level jobs for unskilled workers by increasing the minimum wages well beyond the Federal law.

In every bill presented here all the Democrat House members voted between 99 and 100 percent with the majority except on SB 241 where 97 percent voted in favor. On NO bill did the Democrat representatives from Amherst vote against any of the bills.