
Help local businesses

Our state is entering a new phase dealing with the impact of the coronavirus as businesses reopen.

The economic hardships that so many people in New Hampshire are facing are overwhelming. People who provide services such as barbers, hairdressers, waiters and waitresses, and so many others too numerous to name have lost income and are trying to save their businesses and livelihoods.

I hope that those of us in New Hampshire who are financially able will consider trying to help those that fall into these categories.

I know that I will plan to increase the amount I include as “tips” for services I receive now and try to pay “forward” for services I couldn’t get while businesses were closed.

Perhaps paying for the haircuts I didn’t get or the nail treatments my wife couldn’t get won’t replace all the income these businesses lost in the past month, but it represents what I can do to recognize their plight. I hope others will consider similar actions. Add a little extra to your tip when you do go out. Perhaps pay for that meal or service you would have had in the past six weeks that you didn’t.

Let’s try to help those small businesses and the people in them that are so important to our community survive this crisis.