
Approve Scott Mason

Gov. Chris Sununu passes up several well-qualified professionals by nominating Scott Mason for Executive Director of NHF&G. The NHF&G Department is a 200-plus person organization with seven divisions and four regional offices. The Department has annual budget of approximately $31,000,000. The Executive Director’s qualifications include extensive knowledge in administration, wildlife, fisheries, natural resources, conservation law, as well as, business, public administration or experience in related fields. And yet Sununu nominates a person with no background or experience in fisheries, wildlife, natural resource management or law enforcement and while Mason has served in several administrative and functionary positions, he lacks any executive management experience.

Furthermore, in recent hearing testimony on environmental bills Mason’s testimony has opposed any attempt in modernizing the Fish and Game Commission by broadening the requisite qualifications to serve as commissioner and even called the supporters of such legislation, “whackadoodles.” Apparently his only “environmental” experience is eight years as a lobbyist for the Northern Pass project. If confirmed, Mason will perpetuate the “we versus them” attitude endorsed by the F&G Commission who has not recognized the legitimate interests of the 95% of New Hampshire residents who are not hunters or trappers and who appreciate wildlife for reasons other than to kill them.

Please contact your Executive Councilor and ask them not to confirm Scott Mason for executive director of NHF&G.