
To citizens of Milford

Regional approaches leverage resources. This strategy contributes to our “NH Advantage.” For that reason, I oppose the myopic organizational approach taken by our Board of Selectmen (BOS) in its proposed communications solution. Last week, I outlined my assessment of the process leading to Warrant Article #3. I continue my observations here:

1. Years of deliberate neglect of Milford’s fiduciary responsibility to MACC Base have resulted in a BOS-manufactured crisis. This crisis, created by political self-interest, has real life-safety implications for our first responders.

2. The BOS repeatedly emphasizes that Milford pays for 70+% of the system. Milford also utilizes 70+% of the system. There is nothing inequitable about this.

3. A comprehensive review of potential organizational models and best practices should have been done BEFORE the BOS directed its contractor to design solutions for specific alternatives. Without that perspective, the BOS narrowly, and incorrectly, assumed that the status quo, or a town-led system, were the only options to be compared and presented.

4. The 2019 CTA report is cited as identifying a Milford-led solution as “best for Milford.” This report looks at existing operations and technical solutions for infrastructure within the organizational models requested by the BOS. It does NOT evaluate for the best possible governance or management approach.

5. The Milford BOS has framed its proposal as regional, ignoring the fact that our current partners (under the IMA) do not want to be customers of Milford-led system. They have also indicated that the estimated price for participation is too high.

6. Partners have indicated that they WOULD participate in a shared governance model. Milford should pursue the model most likely to bring in resources.

7. The BOS has refused to engage directly with partners to solidify the relationships needed to have a customer base. The BOS chose not to invite partner communities into the RFP process, even using approaches that might have no cost to Milford taxpayers. As recently as Feb 8th, the BOS declined to respond to a December letter from Wilton, preferring to wait until after election day. This non-responsiveness, while waiting to see what happens to Milford’s own plans, is repeatedly documented. It has deliberately stymied MACC Base’s ability to improve.

Voters will be voting on ongoing responsibility for a new system, not just funding for improvement. This matters. Those interested in discussion can call me at 603-673-1722.