
Support John Quinlan

I am so appreciative of Tim Berry’s service to the town of Mont Vernon as Selectman for the last three years and the wonderful photos he shares with all of us many mornings on social media. I particularly appreciate the preservation insights he brings to the Heritage Commission.

While Tim and I share a passion for our iconic town buildings, I want to share with you why I am instead supporting John Quinlan for Mont Vernon Selectman.

In my 40+ years in town, I’ve been involved in many different groups and projects, but the best experience of them all was participating on the Mont Vernon Building Use Study Committee. We spent three years meeting weekly, studying the Town Hall, the McCollom Building and the Daland Memorial Library at the request of the Selectmen. Our committee was purposefully very diverse and the positions we brought to the table at the first meeting could not have been more different, yet in the end, we all came together to support one vision. One of the key reasons the group was so successful was John’s steady leadership and clear direction. I am hoping with John as Selectman again, that work can continue.

Like all small towns, Mont Vernon has many competing priorities. True leadership requires an ability to bring all the voices to the table to make difficult choices. It also requires transparency and accountability. I am convinced that with John’s vast experience, focus and knowledge, he is uniquely suited to this role and best able to lead us through the challenges ahead with a collaborative rather than competitive spirit.