
Bedford Letters

Stop the state

Are our Republican state senators and state representatives so beholden to the extremist right wing that they would support legislation that will raise our property taxes and diminish our schools? Encouraged by our anti-public school NH Education Commissioner Edelblut, House Bill 20 (HB 20) ...

Biden and universal health care

I have cancer. For insurance purposes, it is a pre-existing condition. Under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) I cannot be denied insurance because of my cancer. The Republicans in the Senate have tried to repeal the ACA, and Republican State Attorneys General have challenged its ...

Help local businesses

Our state is entering a new phase dealing with the impact of the coronavirus as businesses reopen. The economic hardships that so many people in New Hampshire are facing are overwhelming. People who provide services such as barbers, hairdressers, waiters and waitresses, and so many others ...

Support of net metering

I support government promotion of net metering. This program allows consumers to use energy from solar panels to reduce their electric bills. Increasing the use of solar panels further cuts energy costs in two ways; it reduces peak demand, and it lowers our share of regional transmission ...

Urge Governor to sign HB514

I am writing to urge Governor Sununu to sign  HB514, an act imposing  a  waiting  period  between  the  purchase  and  delivery  of  a  firearminto law.  This legislation which will authorize a short waiting period (3 working days) before a person can obtain a purchased firearms ...

Boycott Burt’s Hot Dog Day

June 13 marks Goffstown Representative John Burt’s 8th annual Hot Dog Day at State House. Although this is a fundraiser for the Granite State Paw Rescuers which is certainly a worthy organization, I am asking that elected officials skip this event. Representative Burt has a history of making ...